“A Rainbow in My Tears”

Friday, April 1, 2022

Greetings, Dear Friends ~

God bless you right where you are today, and fill your heart with hope, love, joy, and peace!

It is a privilege to be able to share this week’s Selah blog post on the topic, “A Rainbow in My Tears.”

I spend a LOT of time in reflection because it is important in my walk with the Lord. I take opportunity to reflect as it helps me to be more self-aware, and it enables me to grow. Part of my contemplation includes considering what I say or share with other people and why I chose to communicate a particular message.

While streaming a program recently and considering its message, I felt the tears form in my eyes. As I was in deep thought, looking through my tears at the light coming from the television, I saw what looked like a rainbow. As I paused and considered the stream of light that bowed from the television, what came to mind is basis for today’s message. I thought, how beautiful it is to be able to see a rainbow in my tears. The rainbow and my tears were intrinsically linked—as if they belonged together.

Rainbows appear in so many places. I remember, once, my mother saw a rainbow on the side of my face. When she told me, I thought she was kidding! But she was able to take a picture and show it to me! I thought, “there’s hope for me yet”!

As people of faith, we believe in the significance of the rainbow in the story of Noah. In Genesis 9:12-17, we find these words:

And God said, ‘This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.’ So God said to Noah, ‘This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth (NIV).’”

Think about what it must have meant to Noah when God made him this promise. Destruction would never be so vast as to destroy all things ever again. To say that it must have been consoling is probably putting it mildly. A promise is only as good as the one making the promise, right? God was in the position to promise what He was able to deliver!

What a relief for Noah to know that he, his family, and future generations would never be participants in a worldwide flood!

Looking at the rainbow, at the angle that I was looking, made it appear to be a rainbow in my tears. In—not through—my tears! The revelation for me in that moment was that no matter what I have, am (going), or will go through, God promises that good will come out of it. Though situations will arise that cause me to cry, God is in my tears . . . leading me through those tears . . . every step of the way. His promises await me—even as I am crying. That is how much He loves us.

God is in YOUR tears, Dear One. He understands the longings of your heart. God understands the cross that you bear, and He knows how to get you through it. Whether your tears are physical or emotional pain; grief or loss; uncertainty, loss of direction, doubt, or fear; job, home, family, or friend-related, God is in your tears. If all is well with you, praise God! Just please remember that we are all in various places in our journey, and someone might benefit from you consoling them.

If you are crying right now—or when you cry again, simply remember the rainbow. Remember God promises to be with you always—even until the end. This is our blessed hope. God is THE Promise Keeper.

Thank you, once again, for allowing me to share with you! May our God fill your life to the brim and allow you to see the overflow! This is my prayer for you as you remember my mantra . . . This world is definitely a much better place because you are in it!

God’s peace and blessings!

Until Next Time, My Dear Friends,

