“When ‘Godwinks’ at Me!”

Friday, March 25, 2022

Greetings, Dear Friends ~

I pray no matter where you are in your life today, you know the unfailing and unwavering love of Almighty God. He is forever faithful! God is trustworthy when we are not! Dependable when we are not! Praise God, and welcome to this Selah blog article! I would like to share with you on the topic, “When ‘Godwinks’ at Me!”

Godwink is a term coined by SQuire Rushnell, author and “The Godwink Guy,” as noted on his website.1 I heard this term for the first time while watching a Hallmark movie (Yes, I love sappy love stories! They make me smile!!! Lolol!). There are now four seasons of the Hallmark Godwink Movie Series (I have seen two of them!) and a Netflix movie this year.

Godwink is used to define something that happens to us that simply cannot be a coincidence but has to be from Divine origin. People are now using the term to describe when God answers prayer. That being said and based on the definition presented above, I want to ask you a question: When was the last time that Godwinked at you?

It seems easier to understand and agree when Godwinks at someone else. Maybe you feel that good only happens to other people? Deliverance, healing, elevation, protection, provision, opportunities, and blessings in general…. But God is always moving and consistently involved in our lives! So why do some of us believe that He is blessing everyone except us? That He is doing miracles around us but not within, through, or for us? Think about it for a minute. Sometimes, it is easier to believe somebody else’s blessing because we do not feel worthy. Why would He consider us? What makes us special?

I can recall specific times throughout my walk with the Lord when everything fell into place. These special moments were rare, so when they occurred, I was clear that God was doing something extremely specific. This does not mean there were not other times of blessing, but these times were monumental and pivotal! Some people like to describe this as the stars being aligned, but I believe it is God bringing things into being in His Divine time.

Recently, I was reflecting on how things are going in my journey; and what I noticed is that I am in a Godwink season. I am not saying this to boast, but to share and prayerfully encourage you if you are waiting. While life is still happening and there are challenges, overall, I feel Him smiling. He is winking. It has taken much hardship to get to this season. For years, I prayed, fasted, believed, hoped, dreamed, desired, persevered, and then prayed some more. But I had to wait! Some prayers are being answered that I prayed over 25 years ago. Others are being answered that I have hoped for and needed most of my adult life . . . others since childhood. It has not been easy, as the song goes, but it has been worth it to come into this season. To walk into this season. God is the Source and Originator and, as Daniel 2:21 says, God changes the times and seasons. God does hear our prayers, and He does answer.

About 12 years ago, when I was in a very tough place, I remember driving and sensing the Holy Spirit ministering to me. He gave me the song that was included on a CD produced by Philip Carter for the Reverend Dr. Emory Andrews and the Oxon Hill High School Gospel Choir. The song, which the Lord gave me, is entitled “Hear My Prayer.” (The instrumental version is on my website in my Virtual Prayer Room (click this link to hear the song https://voiceandfaith.com/virtual-prayer-room/.)

The words to this simple song came with a melody that I like to say, “The Holy Spirit sang this song through me to minister to me.” Here are the words. Maybe they will bless you or someone you know:

Hear my prayer and answer, oh Lord.

Hear my prayer and answer, oh Lord.

Hear my prayer and come to, my aid, my defense.

Hear my prayer and answer, oh Lord.

Jesus will hear and answer my prayer.

Jesus will hear and answer my prayer.

Jesus will hear and come to, my aid, my defense.

Jesus will hear and answer my prayer.

Have you experienced a Godwink moment, or are you in a season of waiting? I encourage you to take some time to reflect on where you are in your journey. By God’s Spirit and in the fullness of time, God answers prayer. His faithfulness, as the song goes, is great! He does the exceeding abundantly beyond what we ask, think, hope for (Ephesians 3:20) or need. His plans are to prosper and not to harm us (Jeremiah 29:11). He takes us from faith to faith, glory to glory, and strength to strength (Romans 1:17; 2 Corinthians 3:18; and Psalm 84:7).

So, when (not if) the inexplicable happens . . . things that cannot be a coincidence, know that it is God winking at you, and celebrate what God has done! Give Him glory! Give Him praise! Our steps are ordered. Every waiting period (season) has an end; and while we wait, the situation will change—or we will! Regardless of the outcome, it will be for our good! Then we will look around or within and see Godwinking at us!

Thank you, once again, for allowing me to share with you! May our God fill your life to the brim and allow you to see the overflow! This is my prayer for you as you remember my mantra . . . This world is definitely a much better place because you are in it!

God’s peace and blessings!

Until Next Time, My Dear Friends,



1Source: https://godwinks.com/pages/the-godwinks-story